🏛️ Fairfax Village in the City @FVIC

“Fairfax Village in the City is a city-supported, volunteer-driven program developed to support Fairfax City residents aged 55 and older, as well as Fairfax City adults with disabilities, who wish to stay independent while remaining in their homes. The Village does not replace existing supports and services currently available to city residents through Fairfax County and local nonprofits. Rather, when appropriate, the Village can facilitate access to these services and resources.”

“At the same time, the Village recruits and schedules vetted city-based volunteers to provide personal services like check-in calls and visits, basic and seasonal yard assistance, technology assistance, and transportation to appointments. The goal of the Village is to support healthy aging by sharing useful information, strengthening personal connections between neighbors, and providing opportunities for social interaction.”

Happier Alone by @LiliGiacobino

We love home sharing, but of course it's not for everybody, and we love that too.

“There is nothing wrong with preferring your own company.
Be and live whatever feels right for you.”