♻️ Glass Recycling Pickup in Great Oaks $2.25/wk

Glass is too breakable and too heavy for municipal waste management — it's up to individual households and businesses to recycle, or it goes into the landfill. We suspect that many households just discard glass rather than recycle, for obvious convenience, but we'd like to offer a better choice!

A neighborhood teenager with autism picks up glass recycling in Great Oaks and the Preserve at Great Oaks neighborhoods, via porch pickup tote exchange, and takes it to the nearby Purple Can Club (Glass Recycling) drop-off location.🫙🍾

Subscribe for just $2.25/week = $9.75/month via PayPay below, and he'll deliver a glass recycling tote bag and add you to the weekly pickup route!

This subscription goes directly to the teen's mom — not to or through 2nd-Family.org.

Thank you for subscribing, and for recycling!